
The American International School of Zagreb (AISZ) is pleased to offer Scholarship Program (Croatian Young Leaders Scholarship Program) for Croatian students, the new students of high school, entering grades 9, 10 or 11.

CYL Scholarship Program

Scholarship recipients will get a discount of 90% on the amount of tuition for up to four years to mature in AISZ. Candidates must be citizens of Croatia who meet the academic criteria and the criteria in terms of leadership, personal, artistic, sporting or social engagement.

The scholarship program offers exceptional Croatian students the opportunity for a first-rate international secondary education. Fellows from previous years have gained the International Baccalaureate (International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme) and entered the study at top universities in Europe and around the world.

How to apply

Candidates should download the entire CYL Scholarship Application Package and submit a link to the shared google drive with all required documents to the emails

Teacher recommendations should be sent directly to

Program stipendiranja (Croatian Young Leaders Scholarship Program)

Američka međunarodna škola u Zagrebu (AISZ) sa zadovoljstvom nudi Program stipendiranja (Croatian Young Leaders Scholarship Program) namijenjen hrvatskim učenicima, novim polaznicima srednje škole/gimnazije, koji kreću u 9., 10. ili 11. razred.

Stipendisti dobivaju popust od 90% na iznos školarine za najviše četiri godine, sve do mature u AISZ-u. Kandidati moraju biti državljani Republike Hrvatske koji zadovoljavaju akademske kriterije te kriterije u pogledu leadershipa- proaktivnog, osobnog, umjetničkog, sportskog ili društvenog angažmana.

Program stipendiranja izuzetnim hrvatskim učenicima nudi priliku za prvorazredno međunarodno obrazovanje. Stipendisti prethodnih godina stekli su međunarodnu maturu (International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme) i upisali studije na vrhunskim sveučilištima u Europi i diljem svijeta.

Scholarship goals
  1. To provide talented and motivated Croatian students with an opportunity to study within an American international educational environment.
  2. To develop leadership capacity with a global perspective.
  3. To foster academic excellence and socioeconomic diversity in the high school.
  4. To foster relationships with the Croatian Community and Croatia's educational network.
Scholarship requirements
  1. Demonstrated academic excellence.
  2. Demonstrated leadership attributes.
  3. Involvement in leadership opportunities at school and the community
  4. Demonstrated involvement in co-curricular activities.
  5. Demonstrated financial need.
  6. Demonstrated command of written and spoken English (as evidenced by the application essay, the interview, and other relevant assesments).
  7. For students new to AISZ, who have completed the eighth grade or equivalent.
  8. For Croatian citizens only (dual nationality is acceptable), students comming from the Croatian educational system, learning according to the Croatian national curriculum.
Scholarship selection criteria
  1. Application Form with essay (including student conduct section completed by the principal).
  2. Report cards/transcripts from the past three years.
  3. AISZ assessments of aptitude and academic English proficiency.
  4. Teacher recommendations addressing commitment to learning, social-emotional capability, and commitment to community.
  5. Impromptu writing sample.
  6. Interview.
  7. Appropriate financial documents demonstrating financial need (the Financial Assistance form is on pages 7-10).
  8. Number of students currently enrolled in a specific grade level at AISZ.
Scholarship terms
  1. Financial award up to 90% of tuition and capital fee costs.
  2. Award is renewable up to four years, based on academic performance, as well as maintaining high standards of behavior and involvement in service learning and activities offered at AISZ.
  3. Up to four scholarships may be granted each year.
Applications now open!
Scholarship applications and applications for admission for 2025-26 are now open!
Visit the Admissions and Scholarship section for specific deadlines.