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Outdoor Education Project; AISZ Weather Station

Apart from practicing many skills that could help students in countless outdoor activities, a few of our students were assigned a big project that took an entire semester to complete. It is an Outdoor Education transdisciplinary project by two of the AISZ Grade 10 students. It is a technical piece of student centred learning. 

Initially, the idea of creating a weather station for the school that was brought to them by their teachers and mentors seemed way too complex for them until they researched it and were provided with examples. For three months, the students worked on many aspects of the task every week.

The whole process began with a few meetings with their mentors arranging what they would do and in what order they would do it. After that, they began to solder the electronic parts needed for the mechanics of the weather station. Completing that, they were able to review the code that controls the inner workings of the station; such as the sensors and solar panels. All that was left to do was to complete the external wooden structure in which the clockwork of the station is going to stay in.

The weather station is situated in the central terrarium/garden of the school, the one that the school cafeteria looks out to so that the panels can get an optimal amount of sunlight without being damaged by other factors.

At the end of the project, the students formed a website for the school that will include all the details about the weather station and the process behind it, along with pictures they took along the way. And, of course, they provided detailed readings of the weather station, including temperature, humidity, and pressure of the outside climate. They admitted to thoroughly enjoying the entirety of this task and are very excited to provide the community with a functional addition to the website.

The whole team is rightly proud of their success and the learning across so many different fields, from coding, design, woodwork, web design, electronics, soldering and project management. Congratulations to the students and their mentors.